Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: May 2024
Generated 01-Jun-2024 01:40 CEST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for May 2024
Total Hits 923200
Total Files 914496
Total Pages 916683
Total Visits 8591
Total KBytes 11639506
Total Unique Sites 2240
Total Unique URLs 596
Total Unique Referrers 253
Total Unique User Agents 419
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 1240 7195
Hits per Day 29780 37523
Files per Day 29499 37465
Pages per Day 29570 37379
Visits per Day 277 1140
KBytes per Day 375468 619889
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 914496
Code 206 - Partial Content 4
Code 304 - Not Modified 4648
Code 403 - Forbidden 6
Code 404 - Not Found 4046

Daily usage for May 2024

Daily Statistics for May 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 33352 3.61% 33185 3.63% 33073 3.61% 166 1.93% 105 4.69% 548559 4.71%
2 28898 3.13% 28873 3.16% 28584 3.12% 174 2.03% 86 3.84% 435826 3.74%
3 21322 2.31% 21259 2.32% 21229 2.32% 254 2.96% 126 5.62% 348735 3.00%
4 21395 2.32% 21345 2.33% 21298 2.32% 384 4.47% 106 4.73% 456513 3.92%
5 19147 2.07% 19105 2.09% 19022 2.08% 170 1.98% 105 4.69% 411821 3.54%
6 33040 3.58% 33001 3.61% 32956 3.60% 232 2.70% 105 4.69% 561768 4.83%
7 33411 3.62% 33336 3.65% 33233 3.63% 265 3.08% 159 7.10% 395390 3.40%
8 37523 4.06% 37465 4.10% 37379 4.08% 1140 13.27% 1006 44.91% 201924 1.73%
9 34330 3.72% 34264 3.75% 33747 3.68% 209 2.43% 111 4.96% 423175 3.64%
10 34102 3.69% 34075 3.73% 34001 3.71% 261 3.04% 120 5.36% 484233 4.16%
11 30165 3.27% 30080 3.29% 30073 3.28% 251 2.92% 123 5.49% 619889 5.33%
12 27026 2.93% 26619 2.91% 26928 2.94% 289 3.36% 121 5.40% 579097 4.98%
13 33775 3.66% 33247 3.64% 33672 3.67% 261 3.04% 132 5.89% 472747 4.06%
14 32873 3.56% 32527 3.56% 32585 3.55% 268 3.12% 140 6.25% 454251 3.90%
15 31348 3.40% 29978 3.28% 30721 3.35% 278 3.24% 126 5.62% 396361 3.41%
16 30152 3.27% 29863 3.27% 29970 3.27% 260 3.03% 141 6.29% 372173 3.20%
17 31805 3.45% 30430 3.33% 31588 3.45% 290 3.38% 156 6.96% 345942 2.97%
18 30973 3.35% 30769 3.36% 30690 3.35% 286 3.33% 114 5.09% 339304 2.92%
19 31673 3.43% 31260 3.42% 31565 3.44% 258 3.00% 104 4.64% 301303 2.59%
20 31119 3.37% 30988 3.39% 30815 3.36% 233 2.71% 91 4.06% 340152 2.92%
21 30892 3.35% 30190 3.30% 30644 3.34% 250 2.91% 181 8.08% 346303 2.98%
22 30645 3.32% 29601 3.24% 30538 3.33% 235 2.74% 119 5.31% 327460 2.81%
23 29716 3.22% 29600 3.24% 29293 3.20% 251 2.92% 115 5.13% 356373 3.06%
24 29327 3.18% 28902 3.16% 29240 3.19% 303 3.53% 147 6.56% 312523 2.69%
25 31237 3.38% 31191 3.41% 31028 3.38% 229 2.67% 88 3.93% 396778 3.41%
26 30710 3.33% 30564 3.34% 30547 3.33% 272 3.17% 123 5.49% 352727 3.03%
27 30392 3.29% 30345 3.32% 30295 3.30% 250 2.91% 102 4.55% 332743 2.86%
28 29976 3.25% 29820 3.26% 29781 3.25% 263 3.06% 96 4.29% 286872 2.46%
29 28835 3.12% 28706 3.14% 28441 3.10% 246 2.86% 100 4.46% 149153 1.28%
30 21667 2.35% 21609 2.36% 21533 2.35% 257 2.99% 94 4.20% 143884 1.24%
31 22374 2.42% 22299 2.44% 22214 2.42% 268 3.12% 102 4.55% 145526 1.25%

Hourly usage for May 2024

Hourly Statistics for May 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 1261 39118 4.24% 1245 38597 4.22% 1257 38989 4.25% 15503 480585 4.13%
1 1261 39112 4.24% 1253 38857 4.25% 1255 38919 4.25% 15961 494783 4.25%
2 1255 38916 4.22% 1251 38805 4.24% 1250 38757 4.23% 16063 497948 4.28%
3 1265 39234 4.25% 1256 38940 4.26% 1261 39120 4.27% 16224 502939 4.32%
4 1276 39581 4.29% 1266 39263 4.29% 1270 39400 4.30% 16369 507438 4.36%
5 1277 39589 4.29% 1262 39125 4.28% 1269 39357 4.29% 16107 499331 4.29%
6 1243 38544 4.18% 1232 38214 4.18% 1235 38297 4.18% 15755 488390 4.20%
7 1258 39013 4.23% 1250 38765 4.24% 1247 38677 4.22% 15550 482043 4.14%
8 1266 39275 4.25% 1221 37869 4.14% 1260 39083 4.26% 15475 479716 4.12%
9 1234 38255 4.14% 1225 37993 4.15% 1222 37895 4.13% 15460 479268 4.12%
10 1231 38177 4.14% 1220 37850 4.14% 1209 37509 4.09% 15820 490412 4.21%
11 1205 37374 4.05% 1196 37102 4.06% 1200 37201 4.06% 15742 487987 4.19%
12 1206 37397 4.05% 1196 37106 4.06% 1193 37006 4.04% 15252 472827 4.06%
13 1375 42646 4.62% 1367 42386 4.63% 1369 42461 4.63% 17334 537340 4.62%
14 1225 37985 4.11% 1217 37728 4.13% 1212 37574 4.10% 15387 477008 4.10%
15 1224 37974 4.11% 1209 37496 4.10% 1209 37484 4.09% 15356 476048 4.09%
16 1208 37449 4.06% 1195 37060 4.05% 1200 37214 4.06% 14943 463235 3.98%
17 1191 36929 4.00% 1182 36663 4.01% 1186 36769 4.01% 15413 477806 4.11%
18 1197 37112 4.02% 1186 36767 4.02% 1186 36775 4.01% 15226 472020 4.06%
19 1208 37467 4.06% 1193 36987 4.04% 1199 37180 4.06% 15661 485506 4.17%
20 1211 37561 4.07% 1201 37237 4.07% 1200 37202 4.06% 15410 477704 4.10%
21 1235 38306 4.15% 1226 38029 4.16% 1226 38016 4.15% 15185 470738 4.04%
22 1191 36937 4.00% 1185 36760 4.02% 1187 36797 4.01% 14661 454506 3.90%
23 1266 39249 4.25% 1254 38897 4.25% 1258 39001 4.25% 15611 483928 4.16%

Top 30 of 596 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 821076 88.94% 2984104 25.64% /
2 31366 3.40% 3564545 30.62% /webstat/usage_202405.html
3 30602 3.31% 3776806 32.45% /webstat/usage_202403.html
4 15609 1.69% 116190 1.00% /webstat/
5 6247 0.68% 756242 6.50% /webstat/usage_202404.html
6 2485 0.27% 25627 0.22%
7 2465 0.27% 25421 0.22%
8 1113 0.12% 391 0.00% /robots.txt
9 511 0.06% 9034 0.08% /kontakt.html
10 332 0.04% 39840 0.34% /webstat/usage_202308.html
11 284 0.03% 35040 0.30%
12 178 0.02% 21561 0.19%
13 176 0.02% 3414 0.03% /landesmannschaftsmeisterschaft.html
14 133 0.01% 15662 0.13% /webstat/usage_202206.html
15 131 0.01% 715 0.01% /sitemap.xml
16 121 0.01% 1144 0.01% /termine.html
17 105 0.01% 1674 0.01% /schachausflug.html
18 99 0.01% 1222 0.01%
19 98 0.01% 1699 0.01% /jugend.html
20 95 0.01% 2751 0.02% /bewerbe.html
21 95 0.01% 2309 0.02% /klubmeisterschaft.html
22 95 0.01% 875 0.01% /wpscripts/jsMenu.js
23 90 0.01% 1901 0.02% /galerie.html
24 88 0.01% 1081 0.01% /chronik.html
25 88 0.01% 1351 0.01% /link.html
26 87 0.01% 4161 0.04% /statistik-klubmeister.html
27 87 0.01% 349 0.00% /wpscripts/wpstyles.css
28 85 0.01% 2696 0.02% /chronik-klubmeister.html
29 85 0.01% 983 0.01% /gedenkturnier_2023.html
30 79 0.01% 1240 0.01% /chronik-obmann.html

Top 10 of 596 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 30602 3.31% 3776806 32.45% /webstat/usage_202403.html
2 31366 3.40% 3564545 30.62% /webstat/usage_202405.html
3 821076 88.94% 2984104 25.64% /
4 6247 0.68% 756242 6.50% /webstat/usage_202404.html
5 15609 1.69% 116190 1.00% /webstat/
6 332 0.04% 39840 0.34% /webstat/usage_202308.html
7 284 0.03% 35040 0.30%
8 2485 0.27% 25627 0.22%
9 2465 0.27% 25421 0.22%
10 178 0.02% 21561 0.19%

Top 10 of 86 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 15609 1.69% 3002 35.38% /webstat/
2 821076 88.94% 2656 31.30% /
3 30602 3.31% 694 8.18% /webstat/usage_202403.html
4 6247 0.68% 404 4.76% /webstat/usage_202404.html
5 511 0.06% 159 1.87% /kontakt.html
6 133 0.01% 112 1.32% /webstat/usage_202206.html
7 2485 0.27% 81 0.95%
8 2465 0.27% 64 0.75%
9 121 0.01% 43 0.51% /termine.html
10 332 0.04% 38 0.45% /webstat/usage_202308.html

Top 10 of 87 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 15609 1.69% 3112 36.82% /webstat/
2 821076 88.94% 2418 28.61% /
3 30602 3.31% 709 8.39% /webstat/usage_202403.html
4 6247 0.68% 421 4.98% /webstat/usage_202404.html
5 511 0.06% 392 4.64% /kontakt.html
6 176 0.02% 101 1.19% /landesmannschaftsmeisterschaft.html
7 133 0.01% 70 0.83% /webstat/usage_202206.html
8 121 0.01% 51 0.60% /termine.html
9 105 0.01% 41 0.49% /schachausflug.html
10 31366 3.40% 34 0.40% /webstat/usage_202405.html

Top 30 of 2240 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 593486 64.29% 593486 64.90% 161681 1.39% 19 0.22%
2 214397 23.22% 214397 23.44% 2725891 23.42% 3 0.03%
3 29838 3.23% 29838 3.26% 3403379 29.24% 1 0.01%
4 27382 2.97% 27382 2.99% 3382442 29.06% 58 0.68%
5 5092 0.55% 5092 0.56% 12238 0.11% 591 6.88%
6 2686 0.29% 2686 0.29% 332448 2.86% 1 0.01%
7 1965 0.21% 1965 0.21% 238015 2.04% 39 0.45%
8 1785 0.19% 1785 0.20% 18408 0.16% 6 0.07%
9 1637 0.18% 1637 0.18% 197828 1.70% 51 0.59%
10 1602 0.17% 1602 0.18% 194015 1.67% 1 0.01%
11 1532 0.17% 9 0.00% 314 0.00% 8 0.09%
12 1504 0.16% 1378 0.15% 143621 1.23% 6 0.07%
13 1336 0.14% 1336 0.15% 13779 0.12% 14 0.16%
14 1232 0.13% 1232 0.13% 24679 0.21% 419 4.88%
15 1180 0.13% 0 0.00% 561 0.00% 1 0.01%
16 890 0.10% 890 0.10% 9178 0.08% 2 0.02%
17 890 0.10% 890 0.10% 9178 0.08% 2 0.02%
18 868 0.09% 868 0.09% 48181 0.41% 2 0.02%
19 809 0.09% 5 0.00% 169 0.00% 3 0.03%
20 798 0.09% 5 0.00% 167 0.00% 5 0.06%
21 793 0.09% 793 0.09% 8178 0.07% 5 0.06%
22 787 0.09% 656 0.07% 50729 0.44% 75 0.87%
23 719 0.08% 719 0.08% 196 0.00% 391 4.55%
24 700 0.08% 700 0.08% 7219 0.06% 3 0.03%
25 663 0.07% 663 0.07% 6837 0.06% 7 0.08%
26 649 0.07% 649 0.07% 6693 0.06% 8 0.09%
27 641 0.07% 444 0.05% 18337 0.16% 74 0.86%
28 545 0.06% 545 0.06% 5620 0.05% 16 0.19%
29 515 0.06% 515 0.06% 5311 0.05% 7 0.08%
30 459 0.05% 294 0.03% 10748 0.09% 22 0.26%

Top 10 of 2240 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 29838 3.23% 29838 3.26% 3403379 29.24% 1 0.01%
2 27382 2.97% 27382 2.99% 3382442 29.06% 58 0.68%
3 214397 23.22% 214397 23.44% 2725891 23.42% 3 0.03%
4 2686 0.29% 2686 0.29% 332448 2.86% 1 0.01%
5 1965 0.21% 1965 0.21% 238015 2.04% 39 0.45%
6 1637 0.18% 1637 0.18% 197828 1.70% 51 0.59%
7 1602 0.17% 1602 0.18% 194015 1.67% 1 0.01%
8 593486 64.29% 593486 64.90% 161681 1.39% 19 0.22%
9 1504 0.16% 1378 0.15% 143621 1.23% 6 0.07%
10 787 0.09% 656 0.07% 50729 0.44% 75 0.87%

Top 30 of 253 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 43065 4.66%
2 43048 4.66%
3 42996 4.66%
4 42877 4.64%
5 42411 4.59%
6 29678 3.21%
7 29672 3.21%
8 29641 3.21%
9 29583 3.20%
10 28889 3.13%
11 28886 3.13%
12 28878 3.13%
13 28868 3.13%
14 28866 3.13%
15 28839 3.12%
16 28789 3.12%
17 28786 3.12%
18 28781 3.12%
19 28765 3.12%
20 28754 3.11%
21 28718 3.11%
22 28712 3.11%
23 28674 3.11%
24 28630 3.10%
25 28577 3.10%
26 25436 2.76%
27 16476 1.78%
28 10272 1.11%
29 8524 0.92%
30 6790 0.74%

Top 15 of 419 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 593590 64.30% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +
2 98212 10.64% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36
3 37255 4.04% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (
4 33457 3.62% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTM
5 24603 2.66% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML
6 21471 2.33% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like
7 21261 2.30% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (
8 9285 1.01% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/5
9 8214 0.89% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, li
10 5886 0.64% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML
11 5426 0.59% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:102.0) Gecko/201
12 2720 0.29% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like
13 2517 0.27% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like
14 2164 0.23% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like
15 2064 0.22% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (

Usage by Country for May 2024

Top 30 of 48 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 872539 94.51% 866396 94.74% 7592863 65.23% Unresolved/Unknown
2 35287 3.82% 34449 3.77% 3584451 30.80% US Commercial
3 8817 0.96% 7366 0.81% 40970 0.35% Network
4 1943 0.21% 1941 0.21% 199664 1.72% Germany
5 1601 0.17% 1469 0.16% 145054 1.25% Russian Federation
6 871 0.09% 871 0.10% 48218 0.41% Italy
7 538 0.06% 527 0.06% 7421 0.06% Brazil
8 526 0.06% 424 0.05% 6058 0.05% Austria
9 229 0.02% 229 0.03% 3581 0.03% Colombia
10 145 0.02% 145 0.02% 1790 0.02% Dominican Republic
11 109 0.01% 109 0.01% 1345 0.01% Viet Nam
12 95 0.01% 95 0.01% 1172 0.01% Uruguay
13 61 0.01% 61 0.01% 862 0.01% Taiwan
14 45 0.00% 45 0.00% 543 0.00% Argentina
15 43 0.00% 43 0.00% 644 0.01% Poland
16 36 0.00% 36 0.00% 933 0.01% Spain
17 35 0.00% 35 0.00% 432 0.00% Sri Lanka
18 35 0.00% 35 0.00% 432 0.00% Mexico
19 30 0.00% 30 0.00% 370 0.00% Singapore
20 29 0.00% 29 0.00% 475 0.00% India
21 27 0.00% 27 0.00% 333 0.00% Uganda
22 18 0.00% 17 0.00% 133 0.00% Switzerland
23 18 0.00% 18 0.00% 227 0.00% China
24 17 0.00% 3 0.00% 30 0.00% St. Helena
25 14 0.00% 13 0.00% 196 0.00% Tuvalu
26 12 0.00% 11 0.00% 134 0.00% Indonesia
27 11 0.00% 11 0.00% 197 0.00% Belgium
28 8 0.00% 8 0.00% 92 0.00% Pakistan
29 8 0.00% 8 0.00% 99 0.00% Paraguay
30 6 0.00% 6 0.00% 57 0.00% Canada

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01